A PictureBox must be, at some level, within a Form to show up on the
screen... what does your form look like?
You can use anchoring / docking and panels within panels to make the
controls on your form resize themselves appropriately when you change
the form size. Splitters give the user control over the space given to
parts of your form at run time.
Dear Mr. Wood:
The shape of the form is like the face of a brick.
There are buttons and progression bars on it and
three PictureBox in row, each showing a picture or
a movie. The three PictureBox should occupy the available
room when the form is resized (as much as reasonable) and
if one of them is more interesting I want to be able to
size it larger covering the others. (A button press will
size all of them back to the regular arrangement.)
That is what I would like to do.
(I could not find any examples yet.)
Thank you for your comment.