Resize a Form




I am wondering if it is posible to disable resizing of a form in design
editor. Or is it possible just at runtime? I don't see there any property
kind of "Resize = false".

Thank you,


Morten Wennevik

Hi Lubomir,

Setting the FormBorderStyle property in the design editor to any of the Fixed or None will disable resizing when running the program.

If you mean you don't want to be able to resize the form while working inside the design editor, I don't think you can. Why would you want to?

Mark Broadbent

Yes it is possible. Use the "Locked" property of the form (set to true). You
can also use this on independant form controls too OR if you want to lock
everything use Tools/Lock Controls in the designer menu.

Personally I can see benefit to this to prevent accidental resizing
(especially when there might be multiple developers working on the form code
from time to time)



Morten Wennevik said:
Hi Lubomir,

Setting the FormBorderStyle property in the design editor to any of the
Fixed or None will disable resizing when running the program.
If you mean you don't want to be able to resize the form while working
inside the design editor, I don't think you can. Why would you want to?

Morten Wennevik

Heh, what do you know, so that is what Locked is for :)
I can't imagine not having tried it at some time, but I must have forgotten about it.

And you are right, multiple developers using the same form would be a reason to lock a form.

Mark Broadbent

Hey Morten dont feel bad, I just happened to rediscover by accident myself
just before I saw the post :) -was actually trying to do something else on a
control (to no avail!).

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