RR said:
My apologies. I honestly didn't know what I was doing was wrong.
Provided that Road Runner has not ALREADY shut down your account! You've
got to be joking. Read Road Runner's National Acceptable Use Policy (AUP):
2. Policies
Illegal Purposes
E-mail and Newsgroup Services
The following actions would violate the Acceptable Use Policy when utilizing
e-mail and news services through the Road Runner network, backbone and/or
* If e-mail or newsgroup postings are in violation of the acceptable
use policy, Road Runner at times may restrict or cancel subsequent postings
if they affect the service.
* These prohibitions extend to the sending of unsolicited mass mailings
or Usenet posts from another service, which in any way implicate the use of
the Road Runner service, Road Runner equipment or any Road Runner e-mail
* Sending unsolicited commercial e-mail messages, (UCE) including,
without limitation, commercial advertising and informational announcements,
is explicitly prohibited. Unsolicited e-mail is defined as e-mail that is
sent to another user, which has not expressed an interest in receiving the
* A user shall not send unsolicited bulk e-mail, (UBE) by using any form
of a commercial software or hardware mechanism for the purposes of
“broadcasting” large amounts of unsolicited e-mail.