Resharper vs Coderush vs ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Dalberg
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John Dalberg

I have been evaluating Rehsarper and Coderush. I use C#. I like some
features in both. I like the realtime compilation, intellisense and
refactorting in Reharper and some of the eyecandy in Coderush like the
marker features and the those lines that mark the open/close braces. I was
never a fan of using templates.

I was wondering if there's a third tool in their field. I wish there was a
tool that has the best of both worlds. However it seems I am leaning more
towards Resharper and it increases my productivity more than CodRush. Maybe
I am not exploiting all of CodeRush's features.

Also what are the features in Refactor Pro that are not in Resharper's
refactor features?

Thanks for any input.
John said:
I have been evaluating Rehsarper and Coderush. I use C#. I like some
features in both. I like the realtime compilation, intellisense and
refactorting in Reharper and some of the eyecandy in Coderush like the
marker features and the those lines that mark the open/close braces.
I was never a fan of using templates.

I was wondering if there's a third tool in their field. I wish there
was a tool that has the best of both worlds. However it seems I am
leaning more towards Resharper and it increases my productivity more
than CodRush. Maybe I am not exploiting all of CodeRush's features.

I removed these tools from as they all made not that
responsive. perhaps it's me but I don't want to wait a couple of
minutes after I loaded my solution or wait a couple of seconds before I
can continue typing. That's the pain with these tools: they come with a
price (not the $$$ ;)) -> they require time to process the files so
they can do their job properly.

If your solution is small, no problem. If it's large, you will have a
problem after a while with the responsiveness of the IDE.

VS.NET 2005 has some of the helpful features found in resharper and
coderush, like the templates (albeit not that rich).
Also what are the features in Refactor Pro that are not in
Resharper's refactor features?

I've not played with those, but I do know this: refactoring isn't
cheap. This means that you shouldn't rely on refactoring to get your
job done, as it will ALWAYS come with a price. Often that price is
time, and in other areas it's simply that the refactoring required is
that complex that you want to do it by hand (like refactoring
non-generic code to code which utilizes generics :)).

So it's best to code as if there's no refactoring feature available.
In the small cases where you DO need it, it's there.


Frans said:
I removed these tools from as they all made not that
responsive. perhaps it's me but I don't want to wait a couple of
minutes after I loaded my solution or wait a couple of seconds before I
can continue typing. That's the pain with these tools: they come with a
price (not the $$$ ;)) -> they require time to process the files so
they can do their job properly.

If your solution is small, no problem. If it's large, you will have a
problem after a while with the responsiveness of the IDE.

Just wondering.. what do you consider a "large project"? So far we
haven't run into speed problems with our projects (- using ReSharper),
though our projects don't yet contain millions of lines of code either.
The start-up dialog is a bit annoying as it really takes some time each
time you load a project. But iirc the next version will load in the
background so you can start writing code right away.
I think Shift-F6 on it's own has already been worth ReSharper's price
(10-times probably)! Not having to rename things manually anymore is
saving me minutes day by day (and costs only a few secs with ReSharper).

I removed these tools from as they all made not that
responsive. perhaps it's me but I don't want to wait a couple of
minutes after I loaded my solution or wait a couple of seconds before I
can continue typing. That's the pain with these tools: they come with a
price (not the $$$ ;)) -> they require time to process the files so
they can do their job properly.

My wait is minimal. I guess it depends on your project's size and power of
your computer. The wait at the start of a solution load is a one time
issue. I think it's bearable.

If your solution is small, no problem. If it's large, you will have a
problem after a while with the responsiveness of the IDE.

VS.NET 2005 has some of the helpful features found in resharper and
coderush, like the templates (albeit not that rich).

I've not played with those, but I do know this: refactoring isn't
cheap. This means that you shouldn't rely on refactoring to get your
job done, as it will ALWAYS come with a price. Often that price is
time, and in other areas it's simply that the refactoring required is
that complex that you want to do it by hand (like refactoring
non-generic code to code which utilizes generics :)).

So it's best to code as if there's no refactoring feature available.
In the small cases where you DO need it, it's there.

I think Resharper's background compilation and refactoring features are
very helpful. v2.0 shoul dbe coming out soon. I know the load problem will
be done in the background instead of in a modal window.

There's also a new tool called Justcode from I will be
checkinf it out.
Markus said:
Just wondering.. what do you consider a "large project"? So far we
haven't run into speed problems with our projects (- using
ReSharper), though our projects don't yet contain millions of lines
of code either. The start-up dialog is a bit annoying as it really
takes some time each time you load a project.

A couple of 100,000-s lines of code and a lot of forms. Especially
multi-project solutions. With large forms (lots of event handlers for
all the controls, no real logic as that's in a middle-tier assembly) I
had slow downs every now and then when I added code and the thing had
to re-analyze the code. Even on my 3Ghz xeon box it was not instant or
normal, just slow. But perhaps I demand too much, I don't know :)
But iirc the next
version will load in the background so you can start writing code
right away. I think Shift-F6 on it's own has already been worth
ReSharper's price (10-times probably)! Not having to rename things
manually anymore is saving me minutes day by day (and costs only a
few secs with ReSharper).

I admit that's a timesaver. But all in all, my experience is that in
day to day work, if you think ahead a bit more before typing anything
in, you save a lot more time than 'just do it' and have to correct it
later on with refactoring tools and the like.


John said:
On Sun, 20 Nov 2005 02:40:19 -0800, Frans Bouma [C# MVP] wrote: [...]

I think Resharper's background compilation and refactoring features
are very helpful. v2.0 shoul dbe coming out soon. I know the load
problem will be done in the background instead of in a modal window.

that would be a good improvement :)
There's also a new tool called Justcode from I will be
checkinf it out.

thanks for the tip, I'll check it out (it's a bargain if it's as good
as advertised :))

