I've got a send object macro assigned to a command button on a form. After
clicking the command button, it prompts you for an ID#. After you enter the
applicable ID#, then an e-mail is generated with the person's information
filled in. However, after I send or close the e-mail, the command button on
the form stays depressed.
What can I do after the macro is run so that the button resets? I'm not
well versed in code, so please answer using macros/queries. Thanks.
clicking the command button, it prompts you for an ID#. After you enter the
applicable ID#, then an e-mail is generated with the person's information
filled in. However, after I send or close the e-mail, the command button on
the form stays depressed.
What can I do after the macro is run so that the button resets? I'm not
well versed in code, so please answer using macros/queries. Thanks.