Resetting AutoNumber Field

  • Thread starter Thread starter Deb Roberts
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Deb Roberts

Hi all, hoping that someone can help me with this...

I have developed a database using loads of sample data, and now that it's
actually ready to be put into practice, I've deleted all the sample data.
My problem is that autonumber fields for the new data continue on from the
last number of my sample data. I realise this is normal.

Although I understand that these fields represent only an identifying field,
and it really doesn't matter what the numbers are, for aesthetic purposes
I'd like my first record (particularly for contacts) to start at 1.

I've been through the Access help system and found info on how to reset the
numbers, but this hasn't worked for me because the instructions require you
to set the field type to a number first. I can't do this because of the
multitude of relationships that exist in my database.

Any suggestions??

Kind regards

Deb Roberts
After deleting all your test data, compact the database:
Tools | Database Utilities | Compact

I have my database set to compact automatically on close, but hadn't thought
to close it after I deleted the data, and before I started entering new

This is a huge help. Thanks again.
