The answer is yes it is possible. One of the secondary ink suppliers has the
details; I don't remember them well enough to tell you follow the direction
I am going to list from memory. First look at your cartridge, and you will
see a number of little boxes where it goes into the printer ink slot. You
will note that there are two higher than the rest. You must first cover the
highest left one as you look at the cartridge. You have to be careful not to
cover any of the rest. You then insert the cartridge with the printer on,
and the printer will run a print test without you doing anything. After the
test take the cartridge and do the same on the other side. Again the printer
will do a second print test. After this test if both have run successfully,
take the cartridge out, and remove the little tape dots. You must get all
the take off. As a last step I used to take a cotton swab with a little bit
of alcohol and clean the two areas. Reinsert the cartridge, and you are done
with the ink levels registering. You should try to find the site I referred
to because they have the directions and a diagram. Good Luck.