Reset Windows XP GUI to default settings


Steven Bellamy


One of our users has been messing around with the GUI environment and
have changed the Accessibility settings as well as other GUI settings.
I have deleted her profile, but some of the changes are still being
Is there a way to reset the GUI back to default with out re-installing
the PC?



Deleting the profile should have done it. How did you delete the profile?

Assuming local profile here... not roaming...
Right click My Computer choose Properties | Advanced | User Profile Settings

Steven Bellamy

Hi Frankster,

We're using Roaming profiles.

Logged on as a different user with admin permissions (after rebooting
PC) and deleted the locally stored user profile and then shut-down the PC.
Deleted the users roaming profile on the server and booted up the PC and
logged in as the user.
The profile delete was successful as all their settings were gone,
except for some of the GUI settings...



Well, the only other thing I can think of is that the Default User settings
have changed from how they used to be when other users were created. When
you say "some of the GUI settings", what do you mean?


Steven Bellamy


Text in Outlook is very big (even though all the settings are set to 8
pt. Tahoma), the minimize, Restore/Maximize and Close Icons are huge,
desktop fonts are very big...

I've gone through the accessibility options and tried to rest
everything, changed the Theme back to default, tried to modify the font
sizes manually...
All to no avail.



Okay, I'm sure you've got this set right, but it's my last possible guess...

Desktop Properties | Settings | Advanced | DPI settings. The default is 96.
Some people muck with this.


Steven Bellamy

Not it unfortunately
Okay, I'm sure you've got this set right, but it's my last possible guess...

Desktop Properties | Settings | Advanced | DPI settings. The default is 96.
Some people muck with this.


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