• Thread starter Thread starter CandiC
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can anyone help me create a reset button in cell C42 of my work sheet to link
to a macro that will reset unlocked cells on a worksheet, for example the
cells on ,

C7:D7 and D9
C11:D11 and D13
C15:D15 and D17
C9:D19 and D21
C23:D23 and D25

Will need to be reset everytime we use this. However, I need help creating a
button and writing a macro to do this.
Are those the only cells that would be unlocked?

Reset means clearcontents?

Assuming worksheet is currently protected.

Sub UnLocked_Cells()
Dim Cell As Range, tempR As Range, rangeToCheck As Range
'rotate through all cells in the selection
For Each Cell In Intersect(Selection, ActiveSheet.UsedRange)
If Not Cell.Locked Then
'add to tempR if unprotected
If tempR Is Nothing Then
'do it this way for the first unprotected cell
Set tempR = Cell
'add subsequent cells this way.
Set tempR = Union(tempR, Cell)
End If
End If
Next Cell
'do this upon completion of the For..Next checking
If tempR Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "There are no UnLocked cells in " & _
"the selected range."
End If

'select qualifying cells
End Sub

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
I find that using the 'text box' from the Drawing toolbar is an easy way to
create a button that I can attach to a macro. Simply draw a small text box
and make the text something like "Reset" and position it within cell C42.
Set the properties to move with the cell.

Add this code to your workbook in a regular code module. Note that there is
really only one line of code in the sub, begins with ActiveSheet. and
continues unbroken all the way through .ClearContents

Sub ClearRange()


End Sub

To get it into your workbook, open the workbook, press [Alt]+[F11] to open
the VB Editor. In there, choose Insert --> Module. Then copy and paste the
code above into that new module.

Go back to C42 and your 'button'. Right-click near the edge of the button
and choose "Assign Macro" from the popup list and choose the ClearRange entry
in the available macros list. You're pretty much done.

But to keep people from being able to use that macro when on some other
sheet through Tools --> Macro --> Macros; go back into the VB Editor and
Sub ClearRange()
Private Sub ClearRange()

This removes the macro from the Tools-->Macro-->Macros list, but leaves it
attached to the button.

By the way, having used a text box as a button, you can also now right-click
on it and 'pretty it up' by using the "Format Text Box" option in the list to
set things like the color of the button, text and its edge/border/lines.

Hope this helps.