Perhaps a simple set-up to illustrate one possible
approach, which uses a one-variable data table ?
Assume the sample table below is in A1:B5
with data from row2 down
Name Marks
Student1 39
Student2 67
Student3 25
Student4 34
in E1: PassMark (a label)
in F1: 35 (just a arbitrary value)
in E2: FailRate (a label)
in F2: =1-AVERAGE(C2:C5)
Format F2 as percentage
Select E1:F2
Click Insert > Name > Create > Check "Left column" > OK
This will name the single cells F1 and F2
as "PassMark" and "FailRate" respectively
Put in C2: =IF(B2>=PassMark,1,0)
Copy C2 down to C5
F2 will return the failure rate
based on the passing mark set in F1
Now to create a "one variable" data table
Put in I1: =FailRate
Put in I2: =E2
Put / Fill down in I2:I9 the values
15, 20, 25 .. 50
(these will be various possible passing marks)
Select I1:J9
Click Data > Table
For row input cell: I11
(Can be any empty cell outside I1:J9)
For column input cell: F1
Click OK
Format J2:J9 as percentage
In J2:J9 will be the calculated FailRates
for the corresponding passing marks in I2:I9
Experiment by re-entering/filling any other values
for the passing marks in I2:I9
The corresponding FailRates will be
immediately calculated in J2:J9
The data table would enable you to see how
the FailRates will vary with the passing marks
and hence help decide which passing mark to set
to achieve a desired FailRate