rerun code

  • Thread starter Thread starter portroe
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how can I get my forms program to perform a particular action again if
the incorrect format is entered,

I have tried

GOTO line xxx

but this did not work, Is there something like GOTO beginning?


GoTo Statement
See Also
Do...Loop Statements | For...Next Statements | If...Then...Else Statements |
Select...Case Statements | Try...Catch...Finally Statements
Branches unconditionally to a specified line within a procedure.
GoTo line
Required. Any line label.
GoTo can branch only to lines within the procedure where it appears.
You cannot use a GoTo to branch from outside a For...Next, For Each...Next,
SyncLock...End SyncLock, Try...Catch...Finally, or With...End With block to
a label inside.
Within a Try...Catch...Finally construction, you cannot use GoTo to branch
out of a Try block, into a Catch block, or into or out of a Finally block.
You can branch from a Catch block into the Try block associated with that
Catch. For example, if one Try...Catch...Finally construction is nested
within another, a Catch block can branch into the Try block at its own
nesting level, but not into any other Try block.
Note GoTo statements can make code difficult to read and maintain.
Whenever possible, use Do...Loop, For...Next, If...Then...Else, Select Case,
Try...Catch...Finally, While, and With...End With structures instead.
This example uses the GoTo statement to branch to line labels within a
Sub GotoStatementDemo()
Dim Number As Integer
dim MyString As String
Number = 1 ' Initialize variable.
' Evaluate Number and branch to appropriate label.
If Number = 1 Then GoTo Line1 Else GoTo Line2

MyString = "Number equals 1"
GoTo LastLine ' Go to LastLine.
' The following statement never gets executed because Number = 1.
MyString = "Number equals 2"
' Print "Number equals 1" in the Output window.
Debug.WriteLine (MyString)
End Sub
* portroe said:
how can I get my forms program to perform a particular action again if
the incorrect format is entered,

I have tried

GOTO line xxx

Call the procedure again and exit it:

Public Sub FooBar()
If ... Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

Alternatively, you may want to use a loop, but this depends on the case.
Hi Herfried,

This is the same as the ones I love with a new instance of the class itself.
I hope he has enough memory you write always when I do this with a class.
* "Cor said:
This is the same as the ones I love with a new instance of the class itself.
I hope he has enough memory you write always when I do this with a class.

ACK... That's the problem of recursive function calls. But sometimes
it's useful...
