mark R.
What alternative ways are there to handle "required value"
(for fileds that are not primary keys, of course)
other than setting the property to "yes"?
I have certain fields that must have a required value such
as date-of-birth. But if the user starts a record and
inputs a dozen fields, but just can't put in the date-of-
birth until tomorrow, it will frustrate the user to lose
all that data that was available. If I could set a dummy
flag field to "ON", signifying that a "pseudo-required"
field is cuurently empty, I could query the table and keep
an ongoing list of records that are "incomplete" and
display them in a subform for the user to be reminded that
they have to go in and supply that date-of-birth.
If required value property is set to yes and user saves
record anyway, then RUN:
or maybe
Upon save_RECORD
If any of the following fields (date-of-birth, address,
telephone munber) are empty;
Then set dummy_flag_field_ to "YES"
Query table for all dummy_flag_field = "YES"
display in subform
(for fileds that are not primary keys, of course)
other than setting the property to "yes"?
I have certain fields that must have a required value such
as date-of-birth. But if the user starts a record and
inputs a dozen fields, but just can't put in the date-of-
birth until tomorrow, it will frustrate the user to lose
all that data that was available. If I could set a dummy
flag field to "ON", signifying that a "pseudo-required"
field is cuurently empty, I could query the table and keep
an ongoing list of records that are "incomplete" and
display them in a subform for the user to be reminded that
they have to go in and supply that date-of-birth.
If required value property is set to yes and user saves
record anyway, then RUN:
or maybe
Upon save_RECORD
If any of the following fields (date-of-birth, address,
telephone munber) are empty;
Then set dummy_flag_field_ to "YES"
Query table for all dummy_flag_field = "YES"
display in subform