Required Fields/Help

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ken
  • Start date Start date


Ok, I have created a form with various fields. I would like to make certain
fields required information. In other words a certain field would require
you to put information into before you can close the form or move to the
next field.

thanks for you help
-----Original Message-----
Ok, I have created a form with various fields. I would like to make certain
fields required information. In other words a certain field would require
you to put information into before you can close the form or move to the
next field.

thanks for you help


In your table you based your form off of, go into the
design view, and for each field you would like to require,
set it individually to "required - yes"
In the design of the table, whether or not a field is required is one of
the standard options. Simply open the table on which the form is
designed and make that field(s) required. By default, however, if a
required field is left blank, it will not alert the person inputting the
data until they try to save the form, move to another record, or close
the form.
I have gone in to the design view and properties and can not find a
"required" selection.

There are a number of approaches you can take to this...

1. Each field has a Required property that can be set to Yes in the
design view of the table... but this method is not recommended.

2. Each field has a Validation Rule property that can be set to Is Not
Null in the design view of the table. You can also determine the
message you want to be shown if nothing is entered, by entering it into
the Validation Text property of the field.

3. You can write code on the applicable events of the form or form
controls, if you want more precise control over the process, or if you
want the warnings to come at a time other that when you close the fom or
try to move to a new record. For example it may be applicable to use
the Exit event of the form controls.