Required Field Validator and Focus Question


David Hearn

I have some required field validators on a form and would like to know if
there is a way to set focus back to the field that is required if the
validator is triggered. The problem is that the validator is triggered and
displays the error message, but it may be up the form so far and out of
sight so the user never sees it unless he/she scrolls back up the page. I
know there is a validation summary, but it would be nice to have it set
focus back to the field so that the form automatically scrolled to the
correct position. Any way of doing this?

Thanks in advance!

David Hearn

Thanks Brock! That's what I thought. I am looking forward to ASP.NET 2.0 for
that reason and many others. I just got back from ASP.NET Connections in
Orlando a couple of weeks ago and the things that they showed us during the
conference blew me away!

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