OK, here is one approach you could take. It sounds like your form doesn't
have a lot of controls, so it shouldn't take too much coding.You can enable
and disable the controls via code to essentially force your users to move
through the form in the proper sequence.
First, in the On Open event of your form, you could disable everyting but
the two checkboxes for Question 1;
Me.Q1YesChk.Enabled = True
Me.Q1NoChk.Enabled = True
Me.txtQ1Explanation.Enabled = False
Me.Q2YesChk.Enabled = False
Me.Q2NoChk.Enabled = False
Me.txtQ2Explanation.Enabled = False
Me.txtQ3.Enabled = False
Next, use the On Click event of your check boxes to control further
navigation in the form, starting with the On Click event for the Q1 Yes check.
If Me.Q1YesChk = True Then
Me.Q2YesChk.Enabled = True
Me.Q2NoChk.Enabled = True 'they checked Yes, so skip the Q1 explanation
and enable the Q2 check boxes
Me.Q1NoChk = False 'this is so both Q1 check boxes can't be True at the
same time
End If
Then for the On Click event of the Q1 No check
If Me.Q1NoChk = True Then
Me.txtQ1Explanation.Enabled = True
Me.txtQ1Explanation.SetFocus 'they checked No, so enabled the Q1
explanation and set focus to it (you have to enable it first, then set the
Me.Q1YesChk = False 'again, you don't want both checked at the same time
End If
You will also probably need some code behind your Q1 and Q2 explanation
boxes to make sure the user types something, maybe in the Before Update event;
If IsNull (me.Q1Explanation) Or Me.Q1Explanation = " " Then
MsgBox "You must enter an explanation for this question", vbOKOnly,
"Invalid entry"
Me.Q1Explanation.SetFocus 'they either typed nothing or they hit the
spacebar (a zero length string) so display a message box and set focus back
to the control.
Me.Q2YesChk.Enabled= True
Me.Q2NoChk.Enabled= True 'they entered something, so enable the Q2 check
End If
Etc., Etc.
You'll need to input your own control names (obviously) and maybe play
around with it to get it to work exactly how you want. If you don't like the
enabled/disabled option (where disabled controls are greyed out) you could
use the locked property instead
I realize this post is getting kind of lengthy, and I may be telling you
some things that you already know, but hopefully this will give you some
ideas. I usually just try to think of every possible way that the user could
screw things up, and use code to prevent it (keeping in mind that they will
still find a way to screw it up)