Require confirmation to edit

  • Thread starter Thread starter WK
  • Start date Start date


Once a record is entered and saved in a form, how do I
require a confirmation to save any changes made to the
form's data?
In the form's BeforeUpdate event, try something similar to this

If Not Me.NewRecord Then
If Msgbox("Do you really want to make these changes?",
vbYesNo+vbQuestion, "Verify Changes") = vbNo Then
Cancel = True
End If
End If
I copied and pasted your code in the form's BeforeUpdate
property. When I did the "If Msgbox("Do you really want
to make these changes?",
vbYesNo+vbQuestion, "Verify Changes") = vbNo Then
" lines were red. When I tried it I got a Compile error,
Syntax error.
The line you mentioned broke into 2 lines because of the way the newsreader
works. It should be all one line. I just pasted in myself to double check it
for a typo, if it is all put on one line, it's not red.
That worked.
Thanks a bunch!
-----Original Message-----
The line you mentioned broke into 2 lines because of the way the newsreader
works. It should be all one line. I just pasted in myself to double check it
for a typo, if it is all put on one line, it's not red.

Wayne Morgan
MS Access MVP
