Request to aspx pages times out, what can be the problem?


Trond Meistad

I have a website where I run a simple web application. On
Sunday night, requests to this webapplication started to time out.
After much debuggeing with no result, I created a new webapplication
with one aspx page that displays only a text. I uploaded this page and
the dll, but requests to this page also times out.

So my problem seems to be:
If I request an aspx page, this request times out. The page gives no
error mesage, it just hangs on loading the aspx page. If I request a
HTML page, this works fine. I run the application with no problem on
my local computer.

I believe there is a problem with the dll or the environment, but what
can it be? If it is an authorization problem, shouldn't I receive an
error message? If the permission to run the dll is revoked, shouldm't
I aslo receiev an error message. If I remove my web.config file, this
give the same result, so I do not think the problem lies in the

I've tried to search for this problem on the Internet, but it's hard
describe the problem, and I've not made any relevant hits.

I've reported this problem to the hosting company, but it can take a
long time before they respond, so I'll try to solve this problem
myself, if I can.

Does anyone have an idea where the problem might lie and what I can
do, or can anyone help me out with links to where I find information
about this specific error?

Trond Meistad

Ken Dopierala Jr.

Hi Trond,

Can you run your site locally? If so it is more than likely a problem with
your ISP and their ASP.Net setup. Especially since your test app won't load
either. Since you are seeing HTML pages, you know their IIS is working.
Maybe try calling your ISP instead of emailing them. The ISP I use is in my
signature below, they have great support (24/7) via email and phone, plus I
provide tech support for everyone I sign up. Also there are a lot of other
ISPs out there with the same 24/7 support package. When your site gets to
the point where it is in regular demand by surfers you may want to make sure
you have an ISP that you can get a hold of day or night. Good luck! Ken.

Mohamed El Ashmawy

Have there been any changes in the settings on the server?
I mean IIS timeout settings. A setting in the machine.config such as
executionTimeout in HTTPRuntime.

If there is no problem in any of those, the I suspect that there might be a
resource the .net is trying to acquire and it's locked.
I'll look more to see if I can find articles on the issue

Mohamed El Ashmawy
MEA Developer Support Center
ITWorx on behalf of Microsoft EMEA GTSC

Trond Meistad

My site is in order now. about 13:00 (host time). I never received an enail
from them, telling me that they fixed the error, or what the error was.

I'm pretty sure that it was a configuration error with the host.

I run a non commercial site, so I care about the hosting cost, but still I
do care very much about my users. I used webmatrixhosting's services, which
was for free, but a month ago, they threw us all out, and I signed on with a
hosting company which was recommended. They are cheap, but I have experinced
some trouble, but I hope this will improve in the near future.

What I've learned in this short time, is that I'll never use a hosting
company that do not provide user forums for they customers, or a support
desk that do not answer to their customers' emails.

Thanks for the hosting recommendation. I'll have them in mind, the next tme
I need new hosting.

Trond Meistad

Trond Meistad

My site is running again now, but I don't know why, and I'd very much like
to know what the problem was. If it was a general error in the server
settings, the hosting company will never tell me, so I would never now.

If it was a resource that was locked, what resource can that be? Remember
that I ran a test application, with only a page displaying a text, and this
also failed.

Please do not bother to look up those articles for me, unless for the sake
of curiosity. But I am corious:) If this happened once, It'll probably
happen twixe, and then I'm prepared.

Best regards,
Trond meistad

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