Request help with Serious Errors



Yesterday after clicking on an .mpg file on a webpage, IE brought up the
Quicktime plugin to play the video clip and the computer immediately
rebooted! This occurred twice. Today an error message came up with a
"Windows encountered a Serious Error...". For these three cases minidumps
were written to C:\WINDOWS\Minidump. I don't know if these provide any use
to end users. How do I go about figuring out what is causing these


Matthew Busselberg

Sounds like there is a problem with quicktime. I would
suggest changing the default mpg player to windows media
player. You can do this by starting Windows Media Player
and then going to Tools->Options and clicking on the "File
Types" Tab. Then either hit the "select all" button or
check the file types you are having troubles with.

Hope that helps :)


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