I have a form with a sub form that contains contact
CboBox is set to LimitToList = yes. The user must select
a contact from the list or add a new contact by selecting
a link which opens a form to add the new contact
information. When this form(popup = yes, modal = yes) is
closed I want the cbobox on the subfrm to requery with the
new contact information that was just entered. I just
can't seem to get it to work.
Any help would be so appreciated!
Thank you,
CboBox is set to LimitToList = yes. The user must select
a contact from the list or add a new contact by selecting
a link which opens a form to add the new contact
information. When this form(popup = yes, modal = yes) is
closed I want the cbobox on the subfrm to requery with the
new contact information that was just entered. I just
can't seem to get it to work.
Any help would be so appreciated!
Thank you,