Requering two subforms by clicking a record in an index box

  • Thread starter Thread starter Marc
  • Start date Start date


Dear All,

I am bulding a database, in Access 2000, concerning the "Injuries" and all
the "Near Miss Incidents" in the factory. The database has two linked tables
in an other file, and the DataEntry Form has two subforms.

TblSociety (linked table) (Company and Contractors)
TblEmploeeys (linked table) (Company and Contractors)
TblInjury (Date, Hour, Injury type*, Place, Remarks) [* Near Miss, First
Aid, Medical Treatment, Lost Time Incident]
TblEvent (Cause, Trauma, InjuredSide, Days off)

I built the DataEntry Form, based on the TblEmploeeys, in order to have the
SubformInjury and the SubformEvent. Then I inserted a Combobox, with which I
can choose the kind of Factory (Company or Contractors) and an Index Box,
with which I can have several records (rows) of employees relating the
Factory choosen.
Nevertheless, afterwards these insertions (combo & index boxes) the subforms
don't requery anylonger.
I made some trials, but had negative results.
So, I need your help.

Every kind of suggestion is wellcomed in this important task.
I would be very intersted in your database with me being a safety rep.
Unfortunately i cant help you with the problem but would certainly like to
evaluate your database.

Phil said:
I would be very intersted in your database with me being a safety rep.
Unfortunately i cant help you with the problem but would certainly like to
evaluate your database.


If I will solve the problem, I send you the database, and I would be glad if
you can tell me your remarks.
Kind regards,