*ProteanThread* said:
looks good.
but i have to keep rewarding myself with netunits

it should work, thx.
I was using NetUnits for a while to try to give the kids a 'computer time
budget'. It worked very well until I noticed that my one daughter would not
log out and instead only did a 'switch user' in WinXP. Of course the kids
would normally never do this because it would continue to eat up their
units. It was because of this that I found that NetUnits was no longer
working for her... it simply didn't consume time for her account. After
trying to un-install and re-install, contact the author of the app to see if
there were known issues, etc, I finally gave up and cranked up the
NetUnits/week for all users on the pooter and then found 'another way' (see
below) to manage the computer use.
I've since reinstalled WindozeXP, and I'll certainly never install NetUnits
again. It's a nice idea, and one that I'd be happy to even (gasp) pay real
$$$ for... if it worked reliably. OTOH it might still be perfect for use in
your environment.
And now to swing wayyyyy off topic: "Another Way" to manage kids computer
The 'solution' that we found for managing computer time was to make the kids
a deal. They had to pay 1 situp or 0.5 push-ups for every minute spent on
the computer, thus 60 sit-ups / hour. Time on the pooter for shool purposes
doesn't count.

They keep a chart of time on / time off the PC, and
then record how many sit-ups they've done and a parent has to sign-off for
having seen the situps. If I see them on the pooter and the time wasn't
recorded, then it has an adverse impact on the time they get to spend on the
PC. I know it sounds cheezy, but hey, if they're going to turn into lumps
because they're just sitting in front of the PC, then I might as well have
them doing something to help offset this effect.