I'm looking for a newsreader who besides all normal stuff could aslo group
the newsgroups you subscribed to.
For example, I subscribet to
5 photocamera groups
6 Job/Freelance groups
3 game groups
2 Whisky groups
Once upon a time, just after the dino's died out, neuwsgroups could be
sorted simply by the name they carried, but nowaday's an alphabetical
listing does not even remotely make sense
Most news agenst have (as deafult) on the lefside a list of sbscribed
newsgroups. And now I would like to add (fictive) folders to it so I can
group the newsgroups with the same subjec, just like you can sort out
received e-mails.
Once I tried a newsreader who used tabs to seperate goups of newsgroups, but
it just was not my thing.
Any idea's, anyone?
the newsgroups you subscribed to.
For example, I subscribet to
5 photocamera groups
6 Job/Freelance groups
3 game groups
2 Whisky groups
Once upon a time, just after the dino's died out, neuwsgroups could be
sorted simply by the name they carried, but nowaday's an alphabetical
listing does not even remotely make sense
Most news agenst have (as deafult) on the lefside a list of sbscribed
newsgroups. And now I would like to add (fictive) folders to it so I can
group the newsgroups with the same subjec, just like you can sort out
received e-mails.
Once I tried a newsreader who used tabs to seperate goups of newsgroups, but
it just was not my thing.
Any idea's, anyone?