Is there an outfit, similar to Yahoo! or Hotmail, where I can set up
an email account and have any messages sent to it automatically
forwarded to another email ID?
Mailclub France has a free email forwarding service with a wide choice of
interesting domain names to choose from:
Their user interface is still in French only, however you only need to know
this translation between [brackets]:
1/ Indiquez ici votre adresse e-mail actuelle :
[Fill out your present email address:]
2/ Choisissez un identifiant pour votre nouvelle adresse :
( partie figurant avant le signe @. Lettres et chiffres sans espaces, - _
et . acceptés)
[Choose a domain name for your new address: (the part before the @. Letters
and numbers without spaces, - _ and . are allowed.)
3/ Choisissez un nom de domaine (partie figurant après le signe @)
[Choose a domain name (the part after the @)]
4/ Cochez le bouton correspondant à la ligne de votre choix =>
[Check the button corresponding with the line of your choice]
5/ Adresse url de votre site internet
[The URL of your internet site [You may leave this blank]]
6/ Cliquez ici pour activer votre nouvelle adresse
[Click here to activate your new address]
Print the next page with your password and login name.
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