Sietse Fliege put pen to paper and... uhh.. put fingers to keyboard and
I really don't know what the problem is with the solution I gave.
That solution makes use of Editor2 and NoteXPad, both of which you have
already installed.
You'll have to make 2 passes, one with each editor, but what is the
problem with that?
Pass #1: In Editor2, you append a tab at the end of each record, by
of a search and replace operation.
Then: save the file.
reopen the file in NoteXPad.
in NoteXpad you set the tab width to 161.
Pass #2: In NoteXpad, you replace tabs with spaces
W.r.t. end-of-record delimiters:
What more choice do you need, besides CR (=UNIX) and CR/LF (=Windows)?
Both Editor2 and NoteXPad can both open and save files in both UNIX and
Windows format.
In order to change the end-of-record delimiter: just save in the other
Sietse -
In the version of NoteXPad I have (, the largest tab size
available (Tools, Options, Editor) is 99. Thus, I'd have to insert two
tabs in Editor2.
In the version of Editor2 I have (version 2.0, build, there's no
option to replace E-O-L with Tab,E-O-L (i.e., no "\n" to "\t\n").
I used NoteTab Light (version 4.95) to change \n to \t\n. In NoteXPad, I
changed the default tab size to 99, then chose Edit, Convert, Tabs to
Spaces. Some lines (the short ones) ended up in colunn 100, others in
column 199.
And, as far as the EOL char, you're right, it's simple to open, save as.
Given utopia, it's easier to not have to use two programs.
So... I admit that I'm not as skilled as you are, or my tools aren't
correct, or something, but I STILL can't get your solution to work
(with a few less hairs, and the one's I have left are turning grey)