Req: executable screen savers

  • Thread starter Thread starter ms
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I first asked about this a year ago. It seems hard to find, as the ones I find
are always installs.

Executable (no-install) screen savers for W98, no flash, ActiveX, Java.
1. Autumn scene, falling leaves
2. Winter/Xmas scene, falling snow
3. Tropical fish aquarium, multiple fish, not just one.

Last year someone kindly provided a snow fall executable that was OK, but not
really what I was after.


Mike Sa
I don't understand exactly what it is you're looking for. All screensavers
are actually executable. If you're looking for something in particular, I'd
suggest you ask over in alt.binaries.screen-savers.
ceg said:
I don't understand exactly what it is you're looking for. All screensavers
are actually executable. If you're looking for something in particular, I'd
suggest you ask over in alt.binaries.screen-savers.

True, but the screensaver executable *.scr file alway seems to be packed inside a

Last year, I asked on that ng, got no answer. They seemed to be focused on wild
screensavers, compared to what I'm looking for.

Mike Sa
ms said:
True, but the screensaver executable *.scr file alway seems to be packed inside a

Last year, I asked on that ng, got no answer. They seemed to be focused on wild
screensavers, compared to what I'm looking for.

Mike Sa

Have you tried to extract the *.scr files from the installer packs by using
a ZIP unpacking program...something like Enzip? Once you have the *.scr you
can generally run it with any number of different command line switches.
You can also right-click->install to manually install it. Many can be
renamed from *.scr to *.exe if you want to go that route. If you're into VB
check there used to be some code there.
Last year I picked one up that had the snow effect and changed the
background pics around for my moods.
ceg said:
inside a

Have you tried to extract the *.scr files from the installer packs by using
a ZIP unpacking program...something like Enzip? Once you have the *.scr you
can generally run it with any number of different command line switches.
You can also right-click->install to manually install it. Many can be
renamed from *.scr to *.exe if you want to go that route. If you're into VB
check there used to be some code there.
Last year I picked one up that had the snow effect and changed the
background pics around for my moods.
Thanks, ceg. I'll look into that. Last year, I was still using Earthlink, now with, I can't see binary newgroups anyway.

Mike Sa
ms said:
Thanks, Jo. It runs fine as a executable in W98. The exe is even
better for me than the *.scr. It looks like a very light snow fall
against the desktop screen.

Mike Sa

I have it running on WindowsME (shows in task manager), but no snow.
Nothing! :-(
ceg said:
Have you tried to extract the *.scr files from the installer packs by using
a ZIP unpacking program...something like Enzip? Once you have the *.scr you
can generally run it with any number of different command line switches.
You can also right-click->install to manually install it. Many can be
renamed from *.scr to *.exe if you want to go that route. If you're into VB
check there used to be some code there.
Last year I picked one up that had the snow effect and changed the
background pics around for my moods.
ceg, I looked at Enzip, seems like IZArc, will see about extracting from an
installer- IIRC it dosen't do that.

Do you have any snow *.scr or *.exe winter scenes on a website I could look at and
maybe download? Every so often, not being able to look at binary newsgroups gets
to be a hassle.


Mike Sa
ms said:
ceg, I looked at Enzip, seems like IZArc, will see about extracting from an
installer- IIRC it dosen't do that.

IIRC, with EnZip, you had to select the file type from the dropdown EXE rather than the default ZIP extension. That should open
most any EXE type archive. (what used to be termed SEA - self extracting
Do you have any snow *.scr or *.exe winter scenes on a website I could look at and
maybe download? Every so often, not being able to look at binary newsgroups gets
to be a hassle.

Not at the momet. I've been working on getting another Amazon associate
program going as well as items from one of the major poster/art sites. I
did start making screensavers again recently and will start putting them up
probably sometime after xmas.
ms said:
Every so often, not being able to look at binary newsgroups gets
to be a hassle.

Is Teranews still not virtually free? When I got my account it was a few
dollars sign up for life which got all the bin groups with a 50MB a day
And you can buy Octanews accounts by the MB...
ceg said:
IIRC, with EnZip, you had to select the file type from the dropdown EXE rather than the default ZIP extension. That should open
most any EXE type archive. (what used to be termed SEA - self extracting

look at and

newsgroups gets

Not at the momet. I've been working on getting another Amazon associate
program going as well as items from one of the major poster/art sites. I
did start making screensavers again recently and will start putting them up
probably sometime after xmas.
Thanks, maybe later.

Mike Sa
jo said:
ms wrote:

Is Teranews still not virtually free? When I got my account it was a few
dollars sign up for life which got all the bin groups with a 50MB a day
And you can buy Octanews accounts by the MB...
One server keeps me busy as it is.

Mike Sa