REQ: Directory Lister


Bubba Yarfkowitz

Hang on...before you tell me that there's dozens of them out there, I am
aware of that. I've looked at all of them on Pricelessware's pages and on
Snapfiles, and a couple of other places.

What I'm looking for, however, is a directory lister which allows me to
specify/control how many levels down to print. I'm trying to do a
recursive listing with only one or two levels and I haven't found a program
yet which allows me to do that. The option to list (or not list) files is
critical as well.

Yes, I've Googled. I"m hoping someone here has something in their back
pocket which will have all of the above features...

Your suggestions are welcome.



The conventional wisdom is dirhtml yields the goods.

Bubba said:
Hang on...before you tell me that there's dozens of them out there, I am
aware of that. I've looked at all of them on Pricelessware's pages and on
Snapfiles, and a couple of other places.

What I'm looking for, however, is a directory lister which allows me to
specify/control how many levels down to print. I'm trying to do a
recursive listing with only one or two levels and I haven't found a program
yet which allows me to do that. The option to list (or not list) files is
critical as well.

Yes, I've Googled. I"m hoping someone here has something in their back
pocket which will have all of the above features...

Your suggestions are welcome.

Perhaps this one:

Bubba Yarfkowitz

The conventional wisdom is dirhtml yields the goods.

Nope. dirhtml doesn't allow for the level control I need.

And I'm not being horribly anal here...I just don't want do have a program
drill down several directories deep when I only need one or two...


Bubba said:
Hang on...before you tell me that there's dozens of them out there, I
am aware of that. I've looked at all of them on Pricelessware's
pages and on Snapfiles, and a couple of other places.

What I'm looking for, however, is a directory lister which allows me
to specify/control how many levels down to print. I'm trying to do a
recursive listing with only one or two levels and I haven't found a
program yet which allows me to do that. The option to list (or not
list) files is critical as well.

Yes, I've Googled. I"m hoping someone here has something in their
back pocket which will have all of the above features...

Your suggestions are welcome.


PrintFolders (Nagware) has the ability to limit the number of subfolders
("Deepest subfolder level")

Kendall F. Stratton III
Fort Fairfield, Maine USA

"Support bacteria -- it's the only culture some people have!"

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