Req: Changing windows username

  • Thread starter Thread starter ms
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It's been many years since I needed this info:
A small executable that can display the windows username, and then change it.

I have several that show it, but don't allow editing.

Also, how to change it in windows?


Mike Sa
ms said:
It's been many years since I needed this info:
A small executable that can display the windows username, and then change it.

I have several that show it, but don't allow editing.

Also, how to change it in windows?

However, changing the username which appears in Control
Panel/System/General tab is easily done. You do that by typing
Regedit.exe  (or regedit for short) at the Start/Run button. Click on
Edit and Find. Type in this exactly in the Find What line: 
RegisteredOwner   Press enter and when it finds and highlights that word
click on it. In the Value Data box retype over the older name. You can
also do a search for the older owner's name in the Find What line and
correct registration entries for other applications.
jo said:
ms wrote:

However, changing the username which appears in Control
Panel/System/General tab is easily done. You do that by typing
Regedit.exe (or regedit for short) at the Start/Run button. Click on
Edit and Find. Type in this exactly in the Find What line:
RegisteredOwner Press enter and when it finds and highlights that word
click on it. In the Value Data box retype over the older name. You can
also do a search for the older owner's name in the Find What line and
correct registration entries for other applications.
Thanks, Jo.

Good link, lots of data.

On my machine, RegisteredOwner went to my ISP username (correct).
I finally entered the offending username itself, RegEdit did go to the entry.
I changed it, did not see how to save the change.

Comment on saving the change?

Also, there are several username keys in registry. I went to the username which
appears in Control Panel/System/General, it is another username (correct) that I
entered 7 years ago when I originally installed.

Mike Sa
ms said:
On my machine, RegisteredOwner went to my ISP username (correct).
I finally entered the offending username itself, RegEdit did go to the entry.
I changed it, did not see how to save the change.

Comment on saving the change?

I checked the behaviour here (98SE) before posting. RegisteredOwner went
straight to the Control Panel etc entry and a change and 'OK' changed
it. Other than that, I can't comment.
I s'pose part of the question here is precisely what you are looking to
change, and why :-)
jo said:
I s'pose part of the question here is precisely what you are looking to
change, and why :-)

Right. Was he seeking to edit just that simple value? Or was he instead
seeking to make a change to Windows user profiles? [CPL > Users]
jo said:
ms wrote:

I checked the behaviour here (98SE) before posting. RegisteredOwner went
straight to the Control Panel etc entry and a change and 'OK' changed
it. Other than that, I can't comment.
I s'pose part of the question here is precisely what you are looking to
change, and why :-)
Well, the saving question went away- by choosing Modify, it saves.
I struck gold, found in registry where I could change many entries at one time.

Why all this- I loaded a program that, when run, creates a config file with my old
username. I decided to change that.

Mike Sa
omega said:
jo said:
ms wrote:

I s'pose part of the question here is precisely what you are looking to
change, and why :-)

Right. Was he seeking to edit just that simple value? Or was he instead
seeking to make a change to Windows user profiles? [CPL > Users]
Yes, and then it became Yes to the second question. A concern for internet
security, to hide the username better.

Mike Sa
ms said:
I finally entered the offending username itself, RegEdit did go to the entry.
I changed it, did not see how to save the change.

When you enter a change via registy editor, it is automatically in effect.
I advise that you check to see if $PCMag's RegEditPlus is in your archives,
and use that instead of Regedit. It provides "safe edits," history of your
actions, undo.
Also, there are several username keys in registry.

The "registered owner" value that is mixed in here, it is a separate subject
from the user profiles.

Observe that different user profiles have correspondent registry "user.dat"
files on drive C. Look under windir\profiles. They also each have a .pwl
file (some basic passwords) in the windir.

If think it is a bad approach to attempt to change your user profile name,
if this is your goal (?), via registry edit. Find the CPL applet named
"Users." Select your active profile, choose "Make a Copy." Reboot, and log
into your new profile. Then you can delete your old profiles (although it
is handy to save one, as a backup thing).

When you first log into your new profile, you will have to, if I remember
right, re-enter your DUN stuff. I think that's the only significant detail.
You might have some temporary inconvenience, too, with the occasion app that
uses the profile name in how it stores settings in a local directory. I'm
going from memory only, and plan to bail out of this subject after this
single post. Hopefully the "Make a Profile Copy & Reboot" method, on its
own standing, will satisfy your objectives.

Of course, if all you wanted to do was the one thing, the "registered owner"
value for your copy of Windows, then you can ignore the whole matter of user
ms said:
Right. Was he seeking to edit just that simple value? Or was he instead
seeking to make a change to Windows user profiles? [CPL > Users]
Yes, and then it became Yes to the second question. A concern for internet
security, to hide the username better.

Ok. I'd written a message earlier, then left it in outbox, to wait and
see what this was really about. Seeing your confirm, I've just sent it
out. The main point of it is that, for changing windows user profile
name, edit of registry does not at all strike me as the good approach.

In fact, I worried a little about having seeing this note from you a
minute ago.

"I struck gold, found in registry where I could change many
entries at one time."

Does that mean you've gone in and made various changes already, in
locations where you spotted a profile name? In case you have, and
problems result, tell me that you have memorized the command, to
CTRL boot to DOS, before Windows loads, typing:

scanreg /restore

That allows you to revert to a previous copy of your registry, if
needed. (Useful as well for the common cause of problem, seriously
bad software installs.)
omega said:
ms said:
Right. Was he seeking to edit just that simple value? Or was he instead
seeking to make a change to Windows user profiles? [CPL > Users]

Yes, and then it became Yes to the second question. A concern for internet
security, to hide the username better.

Ok. I'd written a message earlier, then left it in outbox, to wait and
see what this was really about. Seeing your confirm, I've just sent it
out. The main point of it is that, for changing windows user profile
name, edit of registry does not at all strike me as the good approach.

In fact, I worried a little about having seeing this note from you a
minute ago.

"I struck gold, found in registry where I could change many
entries at one time."

Does that mean you've gone in and made various changes already, in
locations where you spotted a profile name?
Yes, that was it exactly, where a bunch of programs had my username. Always have
to be careful in registry. Your note about RegEditPlus, the safe feature is a plus.

In case you have, and
problems result, tell me that you have memorized the command, to
CTRL boot to DOS, before Windows loads, typing:
scanreg /restore

That allows you to revert to a previous copy of your registry, if
needed. (Useful as well for the common cause of problem, seriously
bad software installs.)
Karen, many, many thanks for reminding me of that. I did it, the windows password
issue is gone (sse below), the numlock issue is still there. answered in the
numlock thread. I picked the oldest registry, 4 days old, and life is getting back
to normal.

W98 always had a password problem. After doing all the standard fixes in the past,
my password screen flashes by in normal daily bootup. Now it's back to that.

I had scanreg/restore buried in a file on my hard drive....somewhere. I've been
running well for so long that it slipped away. Too much data on a hard drive is
like Fibber McGee's closet.

We both share interest in the install issue. I keep a log file of mishaps on my
hard drive, in a cold boot each AM there can be a surprise. In this case, though,
the event was a no-install- Thunderbird 09 (7 MB). I ran it, started using it
instead of ver. 08. The next AM, the old numlock problems was back, my IZArc lost
it's file associations, and a strange Thunderbird folder appeared which I deleted.
I caused the windows password problem myself.

The only event (AFAIK) the preceeding day was a noinstall, seems to relate to a
problem. A puzzle.

Anyway, thanks again.

Mike Sa
ms said:
Karen, many, many thanks for reminding me of that. I did it, the windows password
issue is gone (sse below), the numlock issue is still there. answered in the
numlock thread. I picked the oldest registry, 4 days old, and life is getting back
to normal.

Good news to hear that, Mike.
W98 always had a password problem. After doing all the standard fixes in the past,
my password screen flashes by in normal daily bootup. Now it's back to that.

You must have Tweakui installed, handling the automatic login to Windows?
ms said:
CTRL boot to DOS, before Windows loads, typing:
scanreg /restore

That allows you to revert to a previous copy of your registry, if needed.
Karen, many, many thanks for reminding me of that.

One quick related reminder. If you want to get an extra reg backup, right
before an install, then type this into startmenu's Run box: scanregw
ms said:
Yes, had that setting for years. ??

Just asking, I wasn't headed anywhere with that. :) Tweakui is the
only program I've ever noted to provide that function...
Just asking, I wasn't headed anywhere with that. :) Tweakui is the
only program I've ever noted to provide that function...

You can choose windows-logon in network-settings, doesn't that handle the
automatic logon ? I use tweakui, but IIRC before that win98SE also logged
on automatically. Or am I missing a point here ?
Rod said:
You can choose windows-logon in network-settings, doesn't that handle the
automatic logon ? I use tweakui, but IIRC before that win98SE also logged
on automatically.

IIRC, so long as user profiles are enabled, then Windows is going to pop
up a login box, and wait it out for a keypress (an OK or an escape or new
profile). And Tweakui is needed then to step in.
Or am I missing a point here ?

Dunno, atm maybe it's a standoff - my foggy IIRC v your foggy IIRC. :)
omega said:
Just asking, I wasn't headed anywhere with that. :) Tweakui is the
only program I've ever noted to provide that function...
I can live with the password box flashing by, no intervention needed. The numlock
issue *is* a pain, it can't be killed for about 3 minutes as hidden processes run.
I will try your fix.

Mike Sa
IIRC, so long as user profiles are enabled, then Windows is going to
pop up a login box, and wait it out for a keypress (an OK or an escape
or new profile). And Tweakui is needed then to step in.

Ah, that's what I missed. The 'user profiles'-bit, should have read the
whole thread, my apoligies.
Dunno, atm maybe it's a standoff - my foggy IIRC v your foggy IIRC. :)

Let's make it damp vs. damp.