depending on *WHAT* version
The only genealogy program listed at is "Great
Family" not "Family Tree Maker" and the following is a quote frome the
"Great Family Homepage".
GreatFamily 2.2 [download] [order]
Shareware - released June 21, 2004
We are proud to present version 2.2 of our family tree designer. This
updated version adds a lot of improvements to GreatFamily. We hope you
will enjoy the new features. [more] [screenshots]
* NEW in 2.2: Unique web viewer
Visualize your family tree on the web exactly the way you have
designed it. We believe this may be the first family tree web report of
its kind. [See a sample]
* NEW in 2.2: Integrated family browser
Browse your family in design time using a small web browser. A neat
and useful navigational tool.
* NEW in 2.2: Database list view
Easily search and sort all persons in the tree.
* NEW in 2.2: Personalize look and feel
Choose colors and fonts. Color templates are included.
* NEW in 2.2: Improved HTML report
Now: Includes image galleries.
* NEW in 2.2: Report birthdays
List persons by their birthday or birth date.
* NEW in 2.2: GEDCOM date selector
Use the date selector to ensure correct GEDCOM formatting.
* NEW in 2.2: Improved print preview
Preview the tree exactly the way it will be printed.
* NEW in 2.2: Configurable document folders
A better way to organize your family files.
All previously registered users gets the new version for free.
Not registered? Don't worry. You may download and evaluate GreatFamily
for free for 30 days. Decide for yourself if it's worth buying. [Download
it here]
Want to keep it? [Buy it here]
Broderbund Software ( Owns "Family Tree Maker" and has no
freeware version odf said program.