REQ: Anti-spam for IMAP

  • Thread starter Thread starter NoHeadRequired
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Hi all

I use K9 ( which is brilliant for POP anti-spam. BUT, my
work system is IMAP-based, so I need something that'll work with that. Any

Happy Xmas

NoHeadRequired said the following on 12/22/2004 6:20 PM:
I use K9 ( which is brilliant for POP anti-spam. BUT, my
work system is IMAP-based, so I need something that'll work with that. Any

SpamBayes from

I've been using it with Outlook (in IMAP mode) at work for the last
year, with excellent results. Having processed thousands of messages,
it has reached a level of learning where I'd say it identifies almost
99% of spam accurately. The best part is that it has yet to generate a
false positive, i.e. identify a non-spam message as spam. Such messages
are nicely filtered to a 'Junk Suspects' folder where they can be
manually classified as 'spam' or 'ham', and of course, the decision
helps to improve the filter for next time.
I use K9 ( which is brilliant for POP anti-spam. BUT, my
work system is IMAP-based, so I need something that'll work with that. Any

I suggest SpamPal :)

SpamPal will work for POP3/IMAP4 and also has an SMTP whitelister.

Current version is v1.588 (21-Dec-2004) :
Beta version is: 1.704 21st December 2004

The beta version uses a new Transparent Proxy, which remove the need to make
changes to your email program's configuration (Win 2k/Xp), more details here:

Good Luck,
