In the class declaration of a web service that I've just picked up for
<Obsolete("Superseded by OrderPaymentElements")> Public PaymentType
As OrderPaymentType
Public OrderPaymentElements As OrderPaymentList
Apparently there's a problem with the generated SOAP. This is what
the client said:
"Server was unable to read request. --> There is an error in XML
document (1, 1553). --> '0' is not a valid value for OrderPaymentType"
Looking at the request that is the position of the PaymentType element
in the soap document."
Can anyone tell me what possible purpose the <Obsolete tag has? Are
there any reasons not to use <XmlIgnore()> instead? More worryingly,
why is the server barfing?
DISCLAIMER: I'm new to this and it's a pretty complex, and completely
undocumented application. Aren't I the lucky one?
<Obsolete("Superseded by OrderPaymentElements")> Public PaymentType
As OrderPaymentType
Public OrderPaymentElements As OrderPaymentList
Apparently there's a problem with the generated SOAP. This is what
the client said:
"Server was unable to read request. --> There is an error in XML
document (1, 1553). --> '0' is not a valid value for OrderPaymentType"
Looking at the request that is the position of the PaymentType element
in the soap document."
Can anyone tell me what possible purpose the <Obsolete tag has? Are
there any reasons not to use <XmlIgnore()> instead? More worryingly,
why is the server barfing?
DISCLAIMER: I'm new to this and it's a pretty complex, and completely
undocumented application. Aren't I the lucky one?