-----Original Message-----
I am using DFirst because I was told to by someone in
these newsgroups to overcome my problem...
If not using teh DFirst then what would you recommend I do
and use?
Many Thanks
-----Original Message-----
On Tue, 27 Apr 2004 05:20:44 -0700, James wrote:
Hello I was assisted in this forum by someone who
thr below code:
I get #Error in the text box when I show the form view...
The query at the back of that qryPercent...
percentage of all the records in the table against the
selections made in 3 combo boxes...
How can I fix this #error thing?
Any Help greatly appreciated...
In all probability, the name of your control is "ReturnPercentage".
Change the name to something else.
Why are you using DFirst?
DFirst (and DLast) do not offer consistent returned records, as First
and Last are dependent upon the Sort order.
Please only reply to this newsgroup.
I do not reply to personal email.
I don't know what you should do, since no where in this or the
previous post do you state what it is you are trying to do and why you
should use DFirst.
If you wish to get a record returned by your query, perhaps DMin or
DMax, or perhaps just DLookUp will work, but I have no idea what you
wish to accomplish with DFirst.
From VBA help on DFirst:
Use the DFirst function to return a random record from a particular
field in a table or query, when you need any value from that field.
Look up DFirst and DLast in Access help.
*** Read the Remarks section. ***
Anyway, do you still get the #Error after changing the control's name?
Please only reply to this newsgroup.
I do not reply to personal email.