My original question is as follows with the two responses
I received below, however, I'm pretty sure neither of the
responses work because the code copies and pastes multiple
cell references (i.e. it activates one worksheet and then
activates another over and over before it goes on to the
next worksheet. Maybe I'm wrong, but in any case it's not
working! When I moved the sheet after the one it had just
copied it worked but would end up in an error message.
When I applied the responses it doesn't paste anything at
Any ideas? (and thanks for the responses)
Cheers, Natasha.
Not sure I understand you description, but if you want to
write data from
each sheet (except the summary sheet) to the summary
sheet, then this would
for each sh in thisworkbook.worksheets
if sh.name <> worksheets("Master").Name then
sh.Range("A1:A25").copy _
Destination:=worksheets("Master"). _
end if
Tom Ogilvy
Hi Natasha,
Try the below. See if that helps.
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Worksheets
----put code in here ----
Next ws
My original question is as follows with the two responses
I received below, however, I'm pretty sure neither of the
responses work because the code copies and pastes multiple
cell references (i.e. it activates one worksheet and then
activates another over and over before it goes on to the
next worksheet. Maybe I'm wrong, but in any case it's not
working! When I moved the sheet after the one it had just
copied it worked but would end up in an error message.
When I applied the responses it doesn't paste anything at
Any ideas? (and thanks for the responses)
Cheers, Natasha.
Natasha said:I have this macro I'm working on. It basically cuts ands
pastes certain ranges from one worksheet into another. I
wanted it to do the same ranges for all the other
worksheets (using 'For Each Worksheet in Worksheets') too
so when it goes to select the range in the worksheet to be
copied I wrote 'ActiveWorksheet.Next.Activate'.
It wasn't moving onto the worksheet after when it got
to 'Next Worksheet', so I moved moved the worksheet I
needed to copy into before the next worksheet I wanted to
copy. This works great except when this worksheets ends up
at the end of the workbook I get an error message. I
wanted to write an If worksheet ("blah")is at the end of
the workbook (or has the last index no. or something) 'End
If' Does anyone have any ideas? I didn't want to specify a
particular index number because I want to use the same
Macro for multiple workbooks and they each have a
different number of worksheets.
Not sure I understand you description, but if you want to
write data from
each sheet (except the summary sheet) to the summary
sheet, then this would
for each sh in thisworkbook.worksheets
if sh.name <> worksheets("Master").Name then
sh.Range("A1:A25").copy _
Destination:=worksheets("Master"). _
end if
Tom Ogilvy
Hi Natasha,
Try the below. See if that helps.
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In Worksheets
----put code in here ----
Next ws