I posted several days ago on this, was told the error is within fprot,
advised to contact the author, did so, never answered.
Today, I did a complete new download of 3.14b and the latest macro def
I ran, and again got a termination error message. Below is the first
screen, then the final screen when it stops.
¦Virus scanning report - 13 December 2003 @ 14:29
¦Program version: 3.14b
¦Engine version: 3.14.7
¦SIGN.DEF created 9 December 2003
¦SIGN2.DEF created 11 December 2003
¦MACRO.DEF created 8 December 2003
¦Search: Local hard disks
¦Action: Report only
¦Files: Attempt to identify files
¦Switches: <none>
¦No viruses found in memory.
¦No viruses were found in MBRs or hard disk boot sectors.
¦Scanning C:
CauseWay DOS Extender v3.49 Copyright 1992-99 Michael Devore.
All rights reserved.rt - 13 December 2003 @ 14:10
Exception: 0E, Error code: 0004
¦Program version: 3.14b
EAX=840C225D EBX=004058B4 ECX=00000004 EDX=A67CABC5 ESI=A67CABC5
EDI=840C20B9 EBP=840C2070 ESP=82E5A7D0 EIP=82DD242D EFL=00010282
CS=018F-7D23E000 DS=0197-7D23E000 ES=0197-7D23E000
FS=0197-7D23E000 GS=019F-xxxxxxxx SS=0197-7D23E000
¦MACRO.DEF created 8 December 2003
CR0=00000000 CR2=00000000 CR3=00000000 TR=0000
¦Search: Local hard disks
Info flags=00008018
¦Files: Attempt to identify files
Writing CW.ERR file....
¦No viruses found in memory.
CauseWay error 09 : Unrecoverable exception. Program terminated.
¦Scanning C:
¦C:\WINDOWS\WIN386.SWP Not scanned (in use by another application)
¦C:\INSURE\SAFEFE~1\WINKILL.EXE is a destructive program
Winkill is a executable process viewer, error message.
What is causing this?
How to fix it so the scan is completed?
Mike Sa
advised to contact the author, did so, never answered.
Today, I did a complete new download of 3.14b and the latest macro def
I ran, and again got a termination error message. Below is the first
screen, then the final screen when it stops.
¦Virus scanning report - 13 December 2003 @ 14:29
¦Program version: 3.14b
¦Engine version: 3.14.7
¦SIGN.DEF created 9 December 2003
¦SIGN2.DEF created 11 December 2003
¦MACRO.DEF created 8 December 2003
¦Search: Local hard disks
¦Action: Report only
¦Files: Attempt to identify files
¦Switches: <none>
¦No viruses found in memory.
¦No viruses were found in MBRs or hard disk boot sectors.
¦Scanning C:
CauseWay DOS Extender v3.49 Copyright 1992-99 Michael Devore.
All rights reserved.rt - 13 December 2003 @ 14:10
Exception: 0E, Error code: 0004
¦Program version: 3.14b
EAX=840C225D EBX=004058B4 ECX=00000004 EDX=A67CABC5 ESI=A67CABC5
EDI=840C20B9 EBP=840C2070 ESP=82E5A7D0 EIP=82DD242D EFL=00010282
CS=018F-7D23E000 DS=0197-7D23E000 ES=0197-7D23E000
FS=0197-7D23E000 GS=019F-xxxxxxxx SS=0197-7D23E000
¦MACRO.DEF created 8 December 2003
CR0=00000000 CR2=00000000 CR3=00000000 TR=0000
¦Search: Local hard disks
Info flags=00008018
¦Files: Attempt to identify files
Writing CW.ERR file....
¦No viruses found in memory.
CauseWay error 09 : Unrecoverable exception. Program terminated.
¦Scanning C:
¦C:\WINDOWS\WIN386.SWP Not scanned (in use by another application)
¦C:\INSURE\SAFEFE~1\WINKILL.EXE is a destructive program
Winkill is a executable process viewer, error message.
What is causing this?
How to fix it so the scan is completed?
Mike Sa