Apologies for the repost. I realized that the people from whom I wish to
hear (God? Ben Pope?) probably won't see the original post without the
"A7N8X" in the subject line!
I bought a pair of Kingston DDR-400 sticks from a store in the USA (which is
far from my home.). The P/N is [KVR400X64C3]. It was my intention to
install them into the A7N8X-DLX, but the Kingston website indicates that
they are matched to the P4P boards. I also see that the sticks have CL2.5
printed on them. The Asus website indicates that the approved RAM for this
board is [KVR400X64C25], although it specifies that even this memory has a
CL2.5 value.
(The Kingston website says that the values for these chips is "3-4-4"
whatever that means). So...being somewhat apprehensive about opening the
packages, I called Kingston directly. Their T/S was a bit cagey, and said
that the sticks I have would "probably be OK." He added that there would be
a slight speed difference, but that I wouldn't notice it.
Not accepting this, I contacted Asus directly, and they said: "No, that P/N
will NOT work on the A7N8X DX."
So now I'm in a bit of a bind. Two of the distributors here in CDA say that
no company will accept returns (or do a swap) on RAM. Two *different*
distributors say that since Kingston RAM has a lifetime warranty...they
(Kingston) will happily do a RMA so that I can get the proper stuff.
I feel stupid, and I'm not sure how to proceed.
Thoughts, please?
hear (God? Ben Pope?) probably won't see the original post without the
"A7N8X" in the subject line!
I bought a pair of Kingston DDR-400 sticks from a store in the USA (which is
far from my home.). The P/N is [KVR400X64C3]. It was my intention to
install them into the A7N8X-DLX, but the Kingston website indicates that
they are matched to the P4P boards. I also see that the sticks have CL2.5
printed on them. The Asus website indicates that the approved RAM for this
board is [KVR400X64C25], although it specifies that even this memory has a
CL2.5 value.
(The Kingston website says that the values for these chips is "3-4-4"
whatever that means). So...being somewhat apprehensive about opening the
packages, I called Kingston directly. Their T/S was a bit cagey, and said
that the sticks I have would "probably be OK." He added that there would be
a slight speed difference, but that I wouldn't notice it.
Not accepting this, I contacted Asus directly, and they said: "No, that P/N
will NOT work on the A7N8X DX."
So now I'm in a bit of a bind. Two of the distributors here in CDA say that
no company will accept returns (or do a swap) on RAM. Two *different*
distributors say that since Kingston RAM has a lifetime warranty...they
(Kingston) will happily do a RMA so that I can get the proper stuff.
I feel stupid, and I'm not sure how to proceed.
Thoughts, please?