Reports..need help




I have a field for "job location" which is drop down. So here I can create a
report based on the criteria. Like when user click report for the job
location..pop-up window will appear so that user can enter job location
keyword and it will create its own report for that location. So..this is
possible with the drop down field.

Can we do the same thing..(based on query/criteria) for check boxes field.
Because I have check boxes for education and want to create same kind of
report so that user has flexibility create as per his/her own requirement.
I tried doing the same thing for check boxes but its not working for check
boxes. The check boxes I have in the table are Yes/No type. So in the table
data is
stored as check mark or blank. So when the criteria window pop-ups for one
check box what should be entered to get the query run. I tried entering Yes
or True..its not working.

Please help me. I would appreciate your help.


John Vinson

Can we do the same thing..(based on query/criteria) for check boxes field.
Because I have check boxes for education and want to create same kind of
report so that user has flexibility create as per his/her own requirement.
I tried doing the same thing for check boxes but its not working for check
boxes. The check boxes I have in the table are Yes/No type. So in the table
data is
stored as check mark or blank. So when the criteria window pop-ups for one
check box what should be entered to get the query run. I tried entering Yes
or True..its not working.

What's actually stored in the table is -1 for Yes/True/Checked, or 0
for No/False/Blank. The checkbox is just a display tool.

You can certainly put an unbound checkbox on your criteria form, and
use a criterion of


or whatever the name of the checkbox might be.

John W. Vinson[MVP]
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