Reports. Duplicate detail listings



I have a simple report based on a Query with two related tables. The first
table are names and addresses linked to a table with specific info for each
of the names. I have grouped the report on the name with the specific info
as the detailed section of the report.

Everything works fine except I get duplicate records in the details section.
For example if there are two specific records for each name, I will get four
listings due to the duplicates. There are no duplicates in the tables. I
have checked that thoroughly.


Hi John,

Are you getting duplicate records in the detail section for every name? If
so, it sounds like you may have a cartesian product query result. Open the
query that the report is based on. Are the records also duplicated in the
query? If they are, I suspect that you may be missing a relationship between
the two tables.

On the other hand, if the duplicate records in the detail section are only
showing up for two names that are the same, then try grouping on an
expression that includes name and primary key value. For example:

[FullName] & [PrimaryKeyField]


[LastName] & [FirstName] & [PrimaryKeyField]



I have a simple report based on a Query with two related tables. The first
table are names and addresses linked to a table with specific info for each
of the names. I have grouped the report on the name with the specific info
as the detailed section of the report.

Everything works fine except I get duplicate records in the details section.
For example if there are two specific records for each name, I will get four
listings due to the duplicates. There are no duplicates in the tables. I
have checked that thoroughly.

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