I paid less than $10 for four of these puppies, delivered, including
four SATA cables and adapters to convert four-wire IDE power connectors
to four-wire floppy connectors to power the PATA to SATA converters.
These adapters allow connecting parallel drives to serial ports on the mb.
Conclusion: They work pretty good, but I noticed one minor glitch.
With a CDRW drive connected with one of these pups I was able to install
XP without a hitch, but I was not able to use the WD Data Lifeguard
Tools CD to partition, format, etc, but the XP disk does all that stuff.
The WD disk uses Caldera Dr. DOS to boot up. I am not sure if the
adapters were at fault or some other reason. I got the following:
Driver not found: generic
NWCDEX.EXE requires a driver name to be specified
Command or filename not recognized
It might be that this disc would not work in an SATA CD drive, but I
don't know. This WD disk was shipped before SATA drives existed. The
disk DID boot through the IDE connector on the mother board, so the disk
is okay.
After I installed XP with the C: drive connected to the IDE connector on
the MB I reconnected the C: drive to an SATA port through the cheap
adapter and the system booted up and ran with no problems.
On these WD drives these adapters prefer no jumpers, which is how WD
says they should be configured when using them as a single drive on a
dual IDE channel
That's all folks
four SATA cables and adapters to convert four-wire IDE power connectors
to four-wire floppy connectors to power the PATA to SATA converters.
These adapters allow connecting parallel drives to serial ports on the mb.
Conclusion: They work pretty good, but I noticed one minor glitch.
With a CDRW drive connected with one of these pups I was able to install
XP without a hitch, but I was not able to use the WD Data Lifeguard
Tools CD to partition, format, etc, but the XP disk does all that stuff.
The WD disk uses Caldera Dr. DOS to boot up. I am not sure if the
adapters were at fault or some other reason. I got the following:
Driver not found: generic
NWCDEX.EXE requires a driver name to be specified
Command or filename not recognized
It might be that this disc would not work in an SATA CD drive, but I
don't know. This WD disk was shipped before SATA drives existed. The
disk DID boot through the IDE connector on the mother board, so the disk
is okay.
After I installed XP with the C: drive connected to the IDE connector on
the MB I reconnected the C: drive to an SATA port through the cheap
adapter and the system booted up and ran with no problems.
On these WD drives these adapters prefer no jumpers, which is how WD
says they should be configured when using them as a single drive on a
dual IDE channel
That's all folks