Report with no data

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I have a query that takes my exhibitor table and my entry table breaks at
each "class" level. However, I have a class that has no entries. I would
like to force a page for that class. It would give me a page with the
"division" "class" and "class description" which resides in the header, but
would have nothing in the detail section. Can this be done?
If you have a class table, you can create a query with a left join between
the class table and the exhibitor table and make it the record source for
your report, then in the report drive the grouping from the class field
Because there are actually four tables involved, I'm not sure that will work.
Here's the SQL view

SELECT [Exhibitors and Sellers].[Last Name], Entries.[Entry Number],
Entries.Division, Entries.Class, Classes.[Class Description], [Exhibitors and
Sellers].[Full Name], [Exhibitors and Sellers].[First Name], [Exhibitors and
Sellers].Address, [Exhibitors and Sellers].City, [Exhibitors and
Sellers].State, [Exhibitors and Sellers].[Zip Code], [Exhibitors and
Sellers].Phone, [Exhibitors and Sellers].[Social Security Number],
[Exhibitors and Sellers].School, [Exhibitors and Sellers].ID, Entries.Club,
Entries.[Sub-Class], Entries.Breed, Entries.Sex, Entries.Height,
Entries.Division, Entries.[Birth Date], Entries.[Tag ID], Entries.[Animal
Name], Entries.[Registration ID], Entries.[Sire Name], Entries.[Sire
Registration ID], Entries.[Dam Name], Entries.[Dam Registration ID],
Entries.[Division Placing], Entries.[Division Placing Text], Entries.[Special
Placing], Entries.Place, Entries.[Entry User Defined Number], Entries.[Entry
User Defined Text], IIf([entry user defined text] Is Null,[full name],[entry
user defined text]) AS [exhibited by]
FROM [Exhibitors and Sellers] INNER JOIN (Divisions INNER JOIN (Classes
INNER JOIN Entries ON Classes.Class = Entries.Class) ON (Divisions.Division =
Entries.Division) AND (Divisions.Division = Classes.Division)) ON [Exhibitors
and Sellers].[Full Name] = Entries.[Exhibitor Name]
WHERE (((Entries.Division)=[Division?]))
ORDER BY [Exhibitors and Sellers].[Last Name], [Exhibitors and
Sellers].[First Name];

When I attempt to join just the entries table and the class table on the
"class" field I get over 200,000 entries because the "class" is not unique.
For example, I could have a class 02 in Pan-American Goats and Pan-American
Llamas. Therefore, when join the entry and class table, it populates every
division with every entry.