Because there are actually four tables involved, I'm not sure that will work.
Here's the SQL view
SELECT [Exhibitors and Sellers].[Last Name], Entries.[Entry Number],
Entries.Division, Entries.Class, Classes.[Class Description], [Exhibitors and
Sellers].[Full Name], [Exhibitors and Sellers].[First Name], [Exhibitors and
Sellers].Address, [Exhibitors and Sellers].City, [Exhibitors and
Sellers].State, [Exhibitors and Sellers].[Zip Code], [Exhibitors and
Sellers].Phone, [Exhibitors and Sellers].[Social Security Number],
[Exhibitors and Sellers].School, [Exhibitors and Sellers].ID, Entries.Club,
Entries.[Sub-Class], Entries.Breed, Entries.Sex, Entries.Height,
Entries.Division, Entries.[Birth Date], Entries.[Tag ID], Entries.[Animal
Name], Entries.[Registration ID], Entries.[Sire Name], Entries.[Sire
Registration ID], Entries.[Dam Name], Entries.[Dam Registration ID],
Entries.[Division Placing], Entries.[Division Placing Text], Entries.[Special
Placing], Entries.Place, Entries.[Entry User Defined Number], Entries.[Entry
User Defined Text], IIf([entry user defined text] Is Null,[full name],[entry
user defined text]) AS [exhibited by]
FROM [Exhibitors and Sellers] INNER JOIN (Divisions INNER JOIN (Classes
INNER JOIN Entries ON Classes.Class = Entries.Class) ON (Divisions.Division =
Entries.Division) AND (Divisions.Division = Classes.Division)) ON [Exhibitors
and Sellers].[Full Name] = Entries.[Exhibitor Name]
WHERE (((Entries.Division)=[Division?]))
ORDER BY [Exhibitors and Sellers].[Last Name], [Exhibitors and
Sellers].[First Name];
When I attempt to join just the entries table and the class table on the
"class" field I get over 200,000 entries because the "class" is not unique.
For example, I could have a class 02 in Pan-American Goats and Pan-American
Llamas. Therefore, when join the entry and class table, it populates every
division with every entry.