I have an Access report with a Bound Object Frame to show an Excel Chart.
However, it takes too long to view each record if report has multiple pages.
Each line chart was created in Excel with about 4000 data points. Is there
any way to take a snap shot of the chart instead of pasting as a link?
Currently I have to shrink the chart then paste into each record on an Access
form so if fits into my Access Report. Or, is there an more efficient way of
getting the chart to appear quickly as I view the Access report pages?
Access 2000
Excel 2000
Windows XP Prof.
I have an Access report with a Bound Object Frame to show an Excel Chart.
However, it takes too long to view each record if report has multiple pages.
Each line chart was created in Excel with about 4000 data points. Is there
any way to take a snap shot of the chart instead of pasting as a link?
Currently I have to shrink the chart then paste into each record on an Access
form so if fits into my Access Report. Or, is there an more efficient way of
getting the chart to appear quickly as I view the Access report pages?
Access 2000
Excel 2000
Windows XP Prof.