Report Value based upon current field data

  • Thread starter Thread starter ecklers
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Any assistance someone could provide would be greatly appreciated.

I am designing some software to assist in management of a martial arts

I have a table that contains student data that has a relationship to
beltranks. One of my fields in students is beltranks that performs a
lookup to my beltranks table.

My beltranks table is referential- only two fields beltrankid and
beltrankcolor. beltrankid is primarykey.

I am trying to create a report that will be used for belt testing.

What I am trying to do is the following:

I've got a query that will generate my student name, current belt rank
color, uniform size, etc.

Is there a clean way to increment the belt color to the next belt?

Any help would be appreciated.
Any assistance someone could provide would be greatly appreciated.

I am designing some software to assist in management of a martial arts

I have a table that contains student data that has a relationship to
beltranks. One of my fields in students is beltranks that performs a
lookup to my beltranks table.

My beltranks table is referential- only two fields beltrankid and
beltrankcolor. beltrankid is primarykey.

I am trying to create a report that will be used for belt testing.

What I am trying to do is the following:

I've got a query that will generate my student name, current belt rank
color, uniform size, etc.

Is there a clean way to increment the belt color to the next belt?

Your use of the word "increment" implies a numeric value
where the next belt is current belt + 1.

Rearrange the belt ranks table's primary key to serve this

If your ranks are one belt per level, then taht's all you

If there may be different belts for the same level (e.g.
Twae Kwan Do 3rd kyu is green but Ju Jitsu 3rd kyu is brown)
then add another field to the belts table for the discipline
(presuming that you already have this field in the students

You can then just increment the student table's BeltRanks
foreign key.