Report: Two ?'s--Query returns correct info; Report returns Field



First Question: I build my Reports from queries. When I run the Query, the
information which has been keyed in, ie "Joe Green," is returned, yet when I
Print Preview the Report, I get the Field ID, "24," rather than "Joe Green."
I changed the text box in the Report to a Combo Box and sometimes, it returns
"Joe Green" and sometimes, it returns the Field ID, "24." Does anyone know
what I'm doing wrong?

Second Question: When the text boxes were just a "Text Box," the layout of
the Report was correct, except for the aggravation listed above. When I
converted the "Text Box" to a "Combo Box," the correct information was
displayed, but my Description Footer shows at the bottom of the Report and at
the top of the Report, above the Description Header. Any ideas on what I am
doing wrong here?

I will greatly appreciate any help as I've a rapidly approaching deadline.

John W. Vinson

First Question: I build my Reports from queries. When I run the Query, the
information which has been keyed in, ie "Joe Green," is returned, yet when I
Print Preview the Report, I get the Field ID, "24," rather than "Joe Green."
I changed the text box in the Report to a Combo Box and sometimes, it returns
"Joe Green" and sometimes, it returns the Field ID, "24." Does anyone know
what I'm doing wrong?

You are yet another victim of Microsoft's misdesigned, misleading, and
infuriating "Lookup Wizard" misfeature.

Your table *appears* to contain Joe Green. It doesn't. It contains 13, as a
foreign key to the lookup table.

The solution (which should solve both your problems) is to include the Lookup
Table in a Query, joining its ID field to the ID field in your table; pull the
name from the lookup table, rather than the ID from the main table.

John W. Vinson [MVP]


Good morning John,

Let me make sure I did this correctly, because it cut my records in about

I opened my qryExpenses, added tblBsn to the qry because it is the
LookupTable. I then joined BSNID to EXPID and pulled the field Bsn down into
qryExpenses so that it is Bsn.BSNID rather than Bsn.EXPID; doing that cut my
record number form 78 to 17.

I tried editing the Join type, and each was a disaster.

What direction did I not follow correctly?

Doug M

For the first question, is it possible you are using a lookup on that
field (i.e. 24 is the ID and Joe Green is the value)?


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