I have a table called Purchase in which three rows together repesent data for
a specific customer for 3 consecutive months. I'm trying to create a report
that displays my data in a tabular report because this is how my boss wants
to see the information. I also have to add some of these together and
calculate daily averages, etc. The problem that I'm having when creating the
report is that it says that I'm choosing to many fields!!! Also, I need to
report information form other tables as well, like three different fields
form other tables in the page header. Therefore I was wondering if there is a
way I can set up a query or something prior to the report that will let me
shows these rows in a column form.
a specific customer for 3 consecutive months. I'm trying to create a report
that displays my data in a tabular report because this is how my boss wants
to see the information. I also have to add some of these together and
calculate daily averages, etc. The problem that I'm having when creating the
report is that it says that I'm choosing to many fields!!! Also, I need to
report information form other tables as well, like three different fields
form other tables in the page header. Therefore I was wondering if there is a
way I can set up a query or something prior to the report that will let me
shows these rows in a column form.