I have to honestly say I was flabbergasted by this report. Obviously, I
have no problems asserting that Java is #1 in the enterprise (JEE), or
in the mobile space (JME), and I do know it's made good strides on the
desktop, with popular apps like Azureus, Limewire, and others leading
the way.
But never in a million years did I imagine this. Swing? I thought SWT
actually would beat Swing handily!
Evans Data Corporation has reported that Swing is the dominant GUI
Toolkit for Northern American developers. "Java Swing with 47% use, has
surpassed WinForms as the dominant GUI development toolkit, an increase
of 27% since fall 2004."
have no problems asserting that Java is #1 in the enterprise (JEE), or
in the mobile space (JME), and I do know it's made good strides on the
desktop, with popular apps like Azureus, Limewire, and others leading
the way.
But never in a million years did I imagine this. Swing? I thought SWT
actually would beat Swing handily!
Evans Data Corporation has reported that Swing is the dominant GUI
Toolkit for Northern American developers. "Java Swing with 47% use, has
surpassed WinForms as the dominant GUI development toolkit, an increase
of 27% since fall 2004."