Report Source

  • Thread starter Thread starter Darlene
  • Start date Start date


Is it possible to have more than one query supply information to a report?
If so, how can this process be done?
A report can only have one query as its source.

Some Possible options depending on what is in the two queries:
You can use sub-reports and have each sub-report bound to a query.

Or you might be able to use a UNION query to combine the two queries

Or you might be able to join the two queries together if there is a
relationship between them that you can use.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Not clear on your specifics, but if you used one query per report, then
embed some of them (as subreports) in one of them (the "main" report), you
could do something like what you asked.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
You could have a report and subreport combination which would pull data from
more than one query.

Also if both queries basically have the same information, you could create a
union query out of them as the source for the report.
Thank you to ALLL... We will research "Sub-Reports" and "Union Queries" to
test this process.
We have multiply schools that purchase three types of programs (Dance,
Theatre, or Early Learning), which are all listed under the field “Programsâ€
in the table. Each Dance or Theatre program has a specific type of program
(ex. Dance – Tap, Theater – Poetry) called residencies. For the document we
need to indicate that either a dance or theatre program was purchased as well
as how many residencies for each program per school.

1. How can the information pertaining to that program be programmed to show
up in the appropriate column?

Type of Residency Program (s) Early Learning Through the Arts Arts Academy
in «Program»

Discipline «Residency_Type»

2. How can the number of residencies from a specific school be calculated
for a specific program and appear in the table below?

Arts Academy «Program» -
(# of) Residency(ies)
Early Learning - (# of) Residency(ies)
The db is set up with the following tables:

School ID
contains the name, addres, contact information of the school
contains contact information of purchasing organization

Res ID
School ID
field-Program Type
field-Res Type
also identifies residency information, cost, time

Please advise why you are suggesting that the additional tables (TblProgram
and TblProgramResidency) need to be added to this design?


Remember that the information you receive here is coming from folks with
widely-varying expertise and motivation.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
Can you say "projection"?


Steve said:
Yes! Your and Arno's expertise and motivation is readily apparent as
neither of you offered Darlene any help. That makes both of you merely
stalkers. If you don't have any good to say, don't butt in.


Yes that is correct, sometimes the organization can purchase for several
schools (ex. School District). Nonetheless, I am not clear on why I would
need to change my database design and add the additional tables as you
suggested. Please explain.

Thanks for all your help!!!

School ID
contains the name, addres, contact information of the school

Res ID
School ID
Darlene said:
I am not clear on why I would
need to change my database design and add the additional tables as you
suggested. Please explain.

The short answer is that you haven't posted enough information about your
tables and relationships for anyone to assess whether or not your design is
sound. $teve's stock reply in situations like this is to rubbish the design
in the hope that the poster will become confused and ask for his (paid)
help. The link in Arno's post will tell you all about $teve's solicitations
for work.

The chances are that you *don't* need to redesign your app but without more
information no-one can make that assessment. I think that might be what
Jeff was driving at.

Thank you. Having to design this DB based on my minimal knowledge of all the
features has been a REAL challenge. I will try to express the out come I am
looking for.

In this database there are several tables, however, two of them I would like
to focus on:

School ID (key)
contains the name, address, contact information of the schools

Res ID (key)
School ID
field-Program Type **(Dance, Theatre, Early Learning)
field-Res Type ** (Tap, Poetry, Ballet, etc)
also identifies residency information, cost, time...

Below is the explanation of what I am seeking to accomplish. I have
designed forms to be used as documents (example: invoices and contracts). I
will use the invoice in my explanation:

Example – Washington School purchased 2 dance residencies (1 tap, 1
ballet) and 1 theatre (1 poetry). Each residency is identified by its own
number in the table. so in the tbleRes, Washington school has purchased the

Res Id School ID School Program Pro-Type
1 125 Washington School Dance Tap
2 125 Washington School Dance Ballet
3 125 Washington School Theatre Poetry

Thus, the invoice (form) should read as follows:

Quantity Description Per Unit cost
Total Due
2 Dance Tap and Ballet $1.00
1 Theater Poetry $1.00
What I am seeking help on is how to program the individual residency
descriptions so that each residency is identified when more than one of the
same program has been purchased. In this case, the dance program has been
purchased twice, though they are different types.

I need instruction on how to program the form to look like this. By
understaning how this programming works will help resolve the same situation
I have with capturing the correct information need for the contracts.

I hope this explanation makes sense. Thank you for any help that you can
offer me!!!
Steve said:
You chose to ignore my recommendation

Which was "throw away what you've done and start again". Hardly worthy now,
was it?
and listen to someone who is only bent on stalking me in the newsgroups.

Play by the rules and that will stop. You have the power.
Now you see what kind of help he provides.

At no stage did I offer any. I thought that, by providing sufficient
information, *someone* might be able to help. I didn't feel qualified to
help in this instance so I remained silent. You should try it.