Thanks for all the input.
I now have the piece of code that you sent me to show the
Windows print dialog box. It looks like this:
Private Sub cmdRunReport_Click()
Dim Response As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Response = MsgBox("Do you want a preview
before sending to the printer", vbYesNo, "PREVIEW?")
If Response <> 7 Then
DoCmd.OpenReport ("rptInventory"),
DoCmd.OpenReport ("rptInventory"),
End If
acReport, "rptInventory"
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint
DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptInventory"
End Sub
If I press "No" the print spools straight to my default
printer, and then offers me the dialog box for selecting
the printer I want, which then prints not hte report, but
the form on which the command button is residing.
If I press "Yes" everything works fine, but there is
apparently so much work for the computer to assemble
first the preview,and then spool to the printer that it
does not complete the insertion of all the images, aznd
prints with half of them missing.
This is also the reason I have broken up the database
into nine tableswith identical design, with different
data for each page of the printout.
I agree that there must be a serious design flaw in my
database, and would welcome some input from you.
Can I send you the whole database without the images?
It is about 465 Kb.