Paul Johnson
I have been using a saved query (call it qTemp), which is the Record Source
for a report (call it MyReport).
I have been modifying the SQL statement for the query in code, using
where strSQL is specific to the set of records I have chosen in a ListBox,
and selected by other parameters.
My question is this:
After seeing that my database contains a saved QueryDef for every instance
of a SQL statement RecordSource, I thought it would be cleanser if I used a
SQL statement (vice pointing to the saved Query object) as the RecordSource
in my report, and altered its value in code. The QueryDef is automatically
named "~sq_rMyReport," and Access doesn't complain when I change the value
in code (for example):
CurrentDb.QueryDefs!~sq_rMyReport.SQL= _
"SELECT * " & _
"FROM MyTable " & _
"WHERE RecordID IN (n, n, ... n) AND FontPitch = 10;"
but this evidently doesn't "stick" with the report, because when I open it
after running the above code, the RecordSource is still the report's
original saved SQL statement. I have tried following the code above with a
call to the "CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Refresh" method, but also no good.
If there is no way to get the value to save in the Report object, the
original method will continue to work fine. I just thought it would be
ideal to manipulate the Report object behind the scenes, and not leave a
saved Query object to tempt deletion by an unwise user.
Any insights? Your help is greatly appreciated.
Paul Johnson
for a report (call it MyReport).
I have been modifying the SQL statement for the query in code, using
where strSQL is specific to the set of records I have chosen in a ListBox,
and selected by other parameters.
My question is this:
After seeing that my database contains a saved QueryDef for every instance
of a SQL statement RecordSource, I thought it would be cleanser if I used a
SQL statement (vice pointing to the saved Query object) as the RecordSource
in my report, and altered its value in code. The QueryDef is automatically
named "~sq_rMyReport," and Access doesn't complain when I change the value
in code (for example):
CurrentDb.QueryDefs!~sq_rMyReport.SQL= _
"SELECT * " & _
"FROM MyTable " & _
"WHERE RecordID IN (n, n, ... n) AND FontPitch = 10;"
but this evidently doesn't "stick" with the report, because when I open it
after running the above code, the RecordSource is still the report's
original saved SQL statement. I have tried following the code above with a
call to the "CurrentDb.QueryDefs.Refresh" method, but also no good.
If there is no way to get the value to save in the Report object, the
original method will continue to work fine. I just thought it would be
ideal to manipulate the Report object behind the scenes, and not leave a
saved Query object to tempt deletion by an unwise user.
Any insights? Your help is greatly appreciated.
Paul Johnson