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I have a report thats in the format below.

Class Code amt
a 4 $25
b 6 $10
a 4 $10
b 1 $5

I want it to look like this

Class Code amt
a 4 $35
b 6 $10
b 1 $5

Im not too sure about what query to use.
Set Sort to Ascending for the Class field in the query on which the report is
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The SQL statement that is bound to the report would look like

SELECT Class, Code, Sum(Amt) as SumOfAmt
FROM [YourTableName]
GROUP BY Class, Code

Open the query
Select View: Totals from the Menu
Under Amt change the Total from "Group by" to "Sum"

In the report, select the Amt control and select the new name for the
field - probably "SumOfAmt".
Im not too sure about what query to use.


SELECT Class, Code, SUM(tblClassCodes.Amt) AS Amt
FROM tblClassCodes
GROUP BY Class, Code
ORDER BY Class, Code DESC;

.. . . where tblClassCodes is the name of the table.


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tope12 said:
I have a report thats in the format below.

Class Code amt
a 4 $25
b 6 $10
a 4 $10
b 1 $5

I want it to look like this

Class Code amt
a 4 $35
b 6 $10
b 1 $5

Im not too sure about what query to use.

Use a Totals type query (View menu) set the Class and Code
Total line to Group By and set the amt total line to Sum.