report problems

Jan 4, 2003
Reaction score
Hmmm having a load of problems this evening

Two of my machines cannot report back with completions

It does say there maybe a problem with BOINC servers

All i'm getting back on messages it Uploading pending.

It keeps resetting itself every 6 or so mins

Anyone else?
Just checked through the messages log for yesterday, but everything is working okay at this end Trips.

Ahaa...! Just checked the WCG forums, there was a temporary stoppage of the FAAH project yesterday. Outage was estimated to be 10 - 11 hours, so perhaps that had something to do with it(?)
Ok to all that read.

I'm really having isses here now. My vista machine will not report any work back at all..

Comms deffered, retry etc just in a loop

BOINC reports I have a internet connection but says servers may be down temporarily
Yet all other machines are fine

I'm stuck, help

I have about 18 projects to reports on this machine and none are being downloaded
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OMG Rammie you star, just checked clock settings and they were set for 2007. Set them again and rebooted they had gone back too 2007. The CMOS battery has gone

Arggghhhh, lol Least it's sorted thanks mate.
I know whats wrong now :)

KUDOS too you