Report page limit

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I need to create a report that need to show a lot of information.
Apparently, the report has a page limit of 22'. Is there any ways that I can
get around that? Or, should I create more than one report and then have a
button to print them them out? I really need assistance. :)
The limit is 22" in one *section* of the report.

Open the Sorting And Grouping dialog (View menu in report design). Select
the primary key field, and in the lower pane of the dialog set Yes for Group
Header and Group Footer. You see Access add 2 sections to the report.
Because these sections are on the primary key field, they appear for every
record. You now have 3 sections for each record, and each section can be 22"
tall, so 66" in all.

If that's not enough, choose the primary key again on the 2nd row of the
dialog to get another 2 sections, and so on.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

"questionnaire response database question"
thank you so much... this is very helpful

Allen Browne said:
The limit is 22" in one *section* of the report.

Open the Sorting And Grouping dialog (View menu in report design). Select
the primary key field, and in the lower pane of the dialog set Yes for Group
Header and Group Footer. You see Access add 2 sections to the report.
Because these sections are on the primary key field, they appear for every
record. You now have 3 sections for each record, and each section can be 22"
tall, so 66" in all.

If that's not enough, choose the primary key again on the 2nd row of the
dialog to get another 2 sections, and so on.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

"questionnaire response database question"