Report not fitting a page in MS Word



I've created a macro that when ran, it takes a report and sends it to
outlook in a word .rtf format to be emailed. Whenever I do this though, the
report that normally just fills a page when viewed, takes an extra like 4
lines so part of the report is on the next page. Now I was thinking it might
be the borders on the word document, but when I "export" the report to a .rtf
file, instead of using "sendto", the report looks fine in the document. I am
lost as to why the report would come out one way with "sendto" and another
way with "export". Anyone know why or a way to fix this. I can currenly
export the word document and then attach it to the email, but would prefer
the sendto option so the email can already be set up for the customer and
they can just type the name of the person they want to send it to and hit
send to simplify things.


David S via

Um, I'm afraid you've posted in the wrong newsgroup, Leroy - this one if for
questions about Microsoft Access, their database product, not Microsoft Word -
try asking over in those forums.


I apologize about that, I believed it to be a problem with access since it is
in access the ability to export the information from Access to a .rtf word
document. I guess it is one of those intermediary problems that could be
either access or word, since its the two of them working together. I will
post the problem on the MS Word forum, although I think I may get the same
response, being that it is an access issue.


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